Thursday, April 28, 2011

Goodbye, Mr. Wilkerson

Last night I received a text right before I went to bed informing me that David Wilkerson had died in a car accident. All I wanted to do was cry. That reaction took me by surprise. David Wilkerson hasn’t deeply impacted me, not as much as many other heroes of the faith. I still haven’t read any of his books, despite the fact that they’re fairly high up on my “To Read” list. I’ve only listened to one sermon by him, and quite honestly I can’t even remember any details about it. What has impacted me is the Bravehearted Thot “A Call to Anguish.” As I listen to him preach, I wonder how I can get that fervency, willingness, passion, desire, and single-minded intensity for God. He was a man willing to do anything, say anything, and be anything that God asked him to be. Perhaps the reason I am so grieved about his death is because I wonder who will boldly proclaim Truth in the pulpits of America in his place. Who will stand for the Word of God? Who will sprint with liquid ferocity towards the battles now taking place in our country? The responsibility falls on us.

My prayer is that God would raise 1,000 men even mightier than David Wilkerson to take his place in our country.

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